Get inspired in Kathy's garden, explore the amazing underground world of soil and meet one of the hardest working and most unrecognised members of our community - the worm! We will think about worms and soil together before making a wiggly worm soft sculpture to take home.
Sunday 2nd February
• Blackwood residents workshop 10:00am - 11:30am
•Public workshop 1:00pm - 2:15pm
• Kathy's garden - sign up via Eventbrite to attend and get the address closer to the date.
KIDS•Best for age 2-6 (Children must be under adult supervision at all times)
ALL AGES• All ages welcome
•Order1 ticket per child so I know what to prepare for
•Children must be under adult supervision at all times
• Blackwood residents - morning workshop (use the code to get free tix supported by FRRR)
• Public workshops - in the afternoon (for those who live further afield than Blackwood)
There is a large golden worm sculpture in Blackwood that Kathy wants you to meet. 'The Unsung Hero' sat upon the plinth in the Edinburgh Gardens, Fitzroy between 2019 & 2022 as part of the City of Yarra's Plinth project. It spent September 2022 in Fed Sq before settling into a Blackwood garden. This is a chance to meet 'The Unsung Hero' and pay your respects to worms! The golden worm sculpture was made to honour these humble animals and the important and under-rated work of creating healthy soil as part of a complex community of biological life that we rely on. Worms are our inspiration for this workshop.